Syllabus of Due Dates
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Syllabus of Due Dates

Week 1

  1. Monday divided into groups
  2. Wednesday math homework assignment on velocity
  3. Thursday English quiz on parts of a paper

Week 2

  1. Monday topics for group projects due
  2. Library assignment due at the end of class
  3. Tuesday permission slips for library must be turned in first thing
  4. Wednesday print out of spreadsheet at the end of class
  5. Friday topics for individual papers due

Week 3

  1. Tuesday English vocabulary and definitions must be handed in at the beginning of class
  2. Thursday math homework on graphing due at the beginning of class
  3. Quiz on English vocabulary list
  4. Friday rough draft of individual paper due
  5. Group submission of project idea

Week 4

  1. Friday math homework on percentages must be turned in to home teacher
  2. Rough draft of group paper due
  3. Group poster idea due

Week 5

  1. Thursday everything in completed form must be handed in
  2. Friday presentation day